
Ruggiero, Christian; Wille, Fabien; Porrovecchio, Alessandro
2016 - Orienti
Schurzel, Donatella
2016 - Proceedings of the 9th International conference on the archaeology of the Ancient Near East
D'Andrea, Marta
2016 - Proceedings of the 9th International conference on the archaeology of the Ancient Near East
D'Andrea, Marta
2016 - L’Archeologia del Sacro e l’Archeologia del Culto. Sabratah, Ebla, Ardea, Lanuvio (8-11 Ottobre 2013). Ebla e la Siria dall’Età del Bronzo all’Età del Ferro
D'Andrea, Marta
2016 - Studies in the History and Archaeology of Jordan XII
Richard, SUZANNE LOUISE; D'Andrea, Marta
2016 - Utopie della terra. Messianismo, Sionismo e Israele
2016 - La campana di vetro

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