
2020 - Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X
McKenney, Christopher; Austermann, Jason; Beall, James; Halverson, Nils; Hubmayr, Johannes; Jaehnig, Gregory; Pisano, Giampaolo; Stevenson, Sarah A.; Suzuki, Aritoki; Thompson, Jonathan A.
2020 - Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X
Gascard, Thomas; Pisano, Giampaolo; Doyle, Simon; Shitvov, Alexey; Austermann, Jason; Beall, James; Hubmayr, Johannes; Raymond, Benjamin; Halverson, Nils; Jaehnig, Gregory; McKenney, Christopher M.; Suzuki, Aritoki
2020 - Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X
Lunde, Emily; Ade, Peter; Berthoud, Marc; Contente, Reid; DeNigris, Nat; Doyle, Simon; Ferrusca, Daniel; Golec, Joey; Kuczarski, Stephen; Lee, Dennis; Ma, Zhiyuan; Mauskopf, Philip; McCrackan, Michael; McMahon, Jeffrey; Novak, Giles; Pisano, Giampaolo; Simon, Sara M.; Souccar, Kamal; Tucker, Carole; Underhill, Matthew; Van Camp, Eric; Wilson, Grant
2020 - Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X
Lowe, Ian N.; Ade, Peter; Ashton, Peter; Austermann, Jason; Coppi, Gabriele; Cox, Erin G.; Devlin, Mark; Dober, Bradley; Fanfani, Valentina; Fissel, Laura; Galitzki, Nicholas; Gao, Jiansong; Gordon, Samuel; Groppi, Christopher; Hilton, Gene; Hubmayr, Johannes; Klein, Jeff; Li, Dale; Lourie, Nathan P.; Mani, Hamdi; Mauskopf, Philip; McKenney, Christopher; Nati, Federico; Novak, Giles; Pisano, Giampaolo; Romualdez, Javier; Soler, Juan D.; Sinclair, Adrian; Tucker, Carole; Ullom, Joel; Vissers, Michael; Wheeler, Caleb; Williams, Paul
2020 - Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X
Wilson, Grant W.; Abi-Saad, Sophia; Ade, Peter; Aretxaga, Itziar; Austermann, Jason; Ban, Yvonne; Bardin, Joseph; Beall, James; Berthoud, Marc; Bryan, Sean; Bussan, John; Castillo, Edgar; Chavez, Miguel; Contente, Reid; DeNigris, N. S.; Dober, Bradley; Eiben, Miranda; Ferrusca, Daniel; Fissel, Laura; Gao, Jiansong; Golec, Joseph E.; Golina, Robert; Gomez, Arturo; Gordon, Sam; Gutermuth, Robert; Hilton, Gene; Hosseini, Mohsen; Hubmayr, Johannes; Hughes, David; Kuczarski, Stephen; Lee, Dennis; Lunde, Emily; Ma, Zhiyuan; Mani, Hamdi; Mauskopf, Philip; McCrackan, Michael; McKenney, Christopher; McMahon, Jeffrey; Novak, Giles; Pisano, Giampaolo; Pope, Alexandra; Ralston, Amy; Rodriguez, Ivan; Sánchez-Argüelles, David; Peter Schloerb, F.; Simon, Sara; Sinclair, Adrian; Souccar, Kamal; Torres Campos, Ana; Tucker, Carole; Ullom, Joel; Van Camp, Eric; Van Lanen, Jeff; Velazquez, Miguel; Vissers, Michael; Weeks, Eric; Yun, Min S.

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