
2023 - Proceedings of the 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference IPAC'23
Broggi, G.; Abramov, A.; Bruce, R.
2023 - Proceedings of the 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference IPAC'23
Abramov, A.; André, K. D. J.; Broggi, G.; Bruce, R.; Hofer, M.; Redaelli, S.
2023 - Proceedings of the 14th International Particle Accelerator Conference IPAC'23
Van der Veken, F. F.; Abramov, A.; Azzopardi, G.; Broggi, G.; Bruce, R.; Cai, R.; D’Andrea, M.; Demetriadou, D.; Dewhurst, K. A.; Frasca, A.; Hermes, P.; Lindström, B.; Mirarchi, D.; Redaelli, S.

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