The proposal here presented aims at developing an integrated activity through the direct involvement of specialists in all the research areas connected to the s.c. Archaeological Architecture (AA) (survey, modeling, archaeology, restoration, communication). The chosen case study is the Forum of Nerva, in the central archaeological area of Rome, as part of one the most impressive examples of architectonic complex.
In the field of research and dissemination, the awareness of Architectural and Archaeological heritage implies its scientific investigation through the analysis of all its material and immaterial properties. This process starts from documentation and develops itself through the identification of research perspectives to reach a profound knowledge of the investigate object through collaboration and integration of different skills and methods.
This integration and interdisciplinary broaden the criteria of the analysis and encourages a complete understanding of every complex phenomenon. This is particularly true for AA, that involves many specialists, such architects, archaeologists, historians, restorers, engineers, geophysicists, and so on. These researchers contribute to building the cognitive framework necessary for any critical analysis of the artefact.
The specialists involved benefit from this comprehensive study, eventually, all of them take advantage of methodologies developed in the digital environment for interchanging, using and sharing heterogeneous data.
Any integrated study allows the construction of a workflow able to keep together the specificities of all disciplines. Starting from this, the project aims to design and manage a three-dimensional database containing every kind of data related to the subject (images, texts, video materials, bibliographical documents) that puts together all the innovative procedures of capturing, managing and using Knowledge for investigation and even for promotion opportunities related to new interactive tools.
Even if throughout history the application of a cooperative method still can be considered as an exception, currently some general changes are quickly overcoming past resistances and naturally leading to a more global and multidisciplinary approach. New technologies do play a very relevant role in this scenario: new documentation methodologies and techniques (i.e. 3D capturing, GIS systems, mobile app) provide reliable data and models both for architects and archaeologists investigations.
Concerning architectural surveying operation, integrating diverse methodologies and different acquisition processes have already become a well-established practice, what is still an issue is an effective procedure for data integration; in fact, it frequently is called upon in the construction of three-dimensional models poorly integrated, poorly interoperable and hence hard to work with.
The problem of integration within a unique process and that of data interpretation mainly concerns 3D models constructed through various workflows and systems: there is a risk for the latter to navigate in separate ¿worlds¿ (World Coordinate Systems), even though they are typologically and structurally comparable and compatible.
To overcome this issue, the first step passes by an adequate study on the ¿nature¿ of such a heterogeneous data involved in the whole workflow. This study can possibly come up with a complete database of the characteristic features regarding every single data typology involved in AA. This prelaminar stage is essential to build up and apply informatics procedures finalized to a real and concrete data integration.
From a certain standpoint, such an approach is currently used for BIM (Building Information Modeling) processes. BIM is in fact becoming very quickly a standard (UE and national legislations are increasingly obliging to this shift) in all phases of the building process deeply affecting also the ¿Iife¿ of AA. Currently, BIM procedures and tools are widely inadequate to deal with AA complexity and the associated datasets. Our research will try to cope with this emerging issue so to outline a possible strategy to keep together ¿profound knowIedge¿, massive 3D data, parametric modelling and object-oriented datasets.
In this terms, the research project aims to set up an innovative way of conceiving a database, able to host the different information but also suitable for further enrichments. Conversion of physical (material) objects into digital ones implies also the construction of photorealistic 3D models, whose close geometric, metric, structural, chromatic similarity to the real object is necessarily its main feature. Models of this type provide a much more effective, articulated and complex representation than others because they can be used as bases for cognitive systems. Digital visualization represents in fact a user-friendly tool to explore/provide integrated interpretation of heterogeneous data. A 3D model can thus be considered a ¿vast and structured out information database¿. Several 3D models could compose a large and heterogeneous 3D database which would also express relations between its elements (spatial, temporal, etc.).
This database is supported by a digital archive connected to it capable to ascribe 3D models with the information typology that characterize them, heterogeneous data (images, texts, video materials, bibliographical documents) with the purpose to preserve, evaluate and popularize cultural heritage by devising an open system of knowledge.
Quite apart from the strictly scientific implications, though, this whole process seems to have become crucial also for the sustainability of AA in management and utilization terms. The increase of the knowledge level immediately corresponds to an improvement of the ¿level of confidence¿, that is the actual possibility of finding a better point of balance between conservation and exploitation (also in economic terms). A deeper knowledge directly leads to a better design and less invasive restoration or retrofitting activities; thus to a more effective conservation and resilience to external pressures (i.e. tourism) and to a better management enhancing AA role as a mean of social cohesion and even as an economic asset.
Even if this informatics and technological aspect have a paramount importance for our research, starting from our past experience we believe that, technology cannot be the only focus of a research on AA. It is at least as important, in fact, the integration of techniques, tools and methodologies, all concurring to achieve the ¿profound knowledge¿. AA have continuously addressed many questions to scholars of each time. Our final goal is to support comprehension and to find an answer to such questions. We can achieve this through the idea of more reliable and explicit information systems. In this perspective, the use of any technological innovation becomes a tool useful to achieve our goals.