Nome e qualifica del proponente del progetto: 

We apply for funding to run an innovative research initiative aiming at a quantum leap in the Apennines and Iberian Chain knowledge by addressing, by means of a novel multidisciplinary approach, two different, but fully complementary, research targets. The proposed activities will improve our fundamental multiscalar understanding of the dynamic evolution of the belts and potential impact thereof on society. By studying carefully-selected, geological transects across- and along strike the Apennines and the Iberian Chain, this research project will address the: (1) deformation style in space and through time between continuum and discretized/episodic, possibly seismic, deformation and (2) analysis of the time relationships among thrust-sheet emplacement, internal deformation by folding and extensional tectonics and the study of the rates of the controlling processes. The project will implement a completely novel and integrated scientific approach based on the combination of multiscalar structural analysis with dating of low-temperature deformation episodes. We aim to measure the timing and rates (within a detailed structural framework) of the processes that have steered the nucleation and growth of the belt by K-Ar dating fine-grained synkinematic clay minerals formed authigenically in brittle and brittle-ductile fault rocks and those processes that have triggered the orogenic extension by U-Pb analysis of synkinematic calcite. The outcome will be the improvement of the existing and only loosely time-constrained model of the Apennines and Iberian chain nucleation and development by adding tight constraints on the exact temporal dimension involved in buildup and subsequent tearing down of the orogen. Numerical modeling will aid the final synthesis of the project, where results will be collated to constrain the long-term tectonic evolution of the orogens in space and through time.


The research initiative aims at further expanding our understanding of the Apennines and the Iberian Chain by studying, by means of a novel and modern scientific approach which couple K-Ar and U-Pb datings of fault rocks, these fascinating and still poorly time-constrained orogenic belts. For the first time in these two fold-and-thrust belts, K-Ar analysis from clay-rich gouges and U-Pb dating of calcite veins will be performed by adding valuable quantitative constraints to the timing and duration of compressional and extensional tectonics that are currently based only upon the age of synorogenic and continental deposits. The foreseeable innovation and impact is both in methodology development for further studies of tectonically interesting or hazardous regions and in advancing of knowledge of the Earth fundamental processes. Indeed, improving multiscalar models for the Apennines and Iberian Chain evolution in time and through space will lead to tectonic models that, being based on the interplay of unprecedented state-of-the-art, geophysical data and novel geochronologic and structural inputs, will generate a benchmark for comparative studies around the globe of both active and fossil orogens. This project aims at describing the dynamic state of orogenic systems (e.g, extent of shortening due to tectonic convergence, crustal thickening and post-orogenic thinning) by monitoring its changes through time and space (subsidence, accretion, exhumation, post-orogenic collapse) and forecasting its future evolution. In this perspective, this project will generate new quantitative constraints to define a tectonic and geodynamic evolutionary model of the belts, characterizing their evolution from foreland subsidence to chain build-up and post-orogenic collapse. The expected results will allow us to quantify deformation rates and will have important implications for dating of fault zones. An important aspect to stress is the societal impact that this project will have, if funded, by leading to better management and environmental planning. Geosciences are becoming increasingly critical in the management of modern societies and planning of their future, dealing with aspects such as water resources and ore deposits, waste disposal, land use, environmental planning, engineering, tunneling, and alternative energy and climate research. Additionally, they are key in assessing the risk factors from natural hazards such as radon, landslides, sea level rise, floodings and earthquakes. The project will contribute significantly in this sense by generating the detailed knowledge that is necessary to more effectively manage Italy's seismic territory in all its components. Users belonging to the academic world (e.g. geochronologists, tectonicists, seismologists, ore geologists, stratigraphers), policy makers (governing our society) and the industry (e.g. oil and mineral resources explorationists, geothermal scientists, nuclear waste managers) will have a refined conceptual tool at their disposal. The proposed scientific collaborations with national and international research institutions and universities will contribute to directly address these aspects in a context of European scientific excellence and to face those societal challenges that also the Program Horizon 2020 identifies as priorities. For example, our results could contribute to tackle the societal challenge of mitigating seismic risks. In fact, understanding the timing and duration of compressional and extensional tectonics and the time laps between these two tectonic activities could contribute to the definition of seismic risk associated with faults whose activity is uncertain or debated in the literature. Quantitatively modelling long-term tectonic processes and the present-day deformation pattern will provide a process-based model that integrates seismic hazard evaluations that are currently based only upon the statistical analysis of instrumental and historical seismicity. In addition to publications in scientific journals and presentations at national and international scientific conferences, the project will engage also with outreach activities to narrow the gap between science and society. In particular, the results of our research will be presented during seminars in schools and at open days in natural science museums. Raw and processed data from this project will be stored in the Cloud system that the Earth Science Department of Sapienza University has been developing and will be made available to the scientific community.

Codice Bando: 

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma