The present proposal of research activity considers the developments of techniques for the realization of smart multifunctional active composites by means of novel additive manufacturing processes. By active composites we mean structural components realized with composite materials with embedded sensing and actuation capabilities or, more in general capable of providing multifunctional behavior (such as combined structural and thermal properties). The realization of such components requires the embedding within structural components of circuits and electronics circuits. Thus, the research activity will consider all the layers of the additive manufacturing process. Specifically, the research will consider
- Digital Modelling
- Materials
- Manufacturing Process
- Post-processing
As results of this study a design workflow and a methodology for the additive manufacturing realization of smart composite components will be presented. The obtained results will be tested on applications coming from the world of the mechanical and aerospace engineering.
Specifically, the following test cases will be considered:
- Smart tools
- Sensorized wing
- Racecar structural parts
The considered test-cases will permit to apply the developed conceptual methodologies and to demonstrate their appeal for advanced industrial applications. Moreover, the sensorised wing will be tested in a wind-tunnel and the system will show its ability to give a real-time feedback for the environmental loads.
Similarly, smart composites will be used to build automotive structural elements (such as the suspension A-arms) in order to allow a close-loop active control on the vehicle drivetrain and suspension system. Track tests will be run on `Gajarda', the Sapienza racecar that competes within the Formula Student and Formula SAE inter-university championship.
The idea behind the present project is the synergic combination of composite structures, smart materials and additive manufacturing technologies for developing an innovative procedure/process. Composite materials are based on the idea that different materials can be used together to synergistically improve the overall properties of the structural system from the point of view of strength, stiffness and lightweight. They find a huge amount of applications in automotive and aerospace industry because of their high structural performance and low density.
By introducing smart materials and electronics devices within a traditional composite material is possible to improve the system values not only related to the usual structural performance, but also considering multi-domain features. Indeed, this means to give to the system the capacities to sense the environment (sensing property), to react to the environment (actuation property) and possibly to gather energy from its operational conditions (energy harvesting property). This is possible to be obtained by means of the modern advanced manufacturing techniques, among with Additive Manufacturing could be the most promising thanks to their abilities to increase the feasible design space, allowing the realization of more complex shapes and functions integration within the same component. This result requires a deep knowledge of the AM design strategies and manufacturing process and leads to a direct intervention in all the aspect of the product development workflow (conception, digital model, material definition, manufacturing and post-processing).
Thus, the following main points of innovation of the present project:
1. Improving the design workflow of additive manufacturing
2. Definition of strategies of embedding electronics and circuits within structural elements
3. Development of additive manufacturing techniques for the realization of circuits
4. Development of sensorised structures able to be aware of their operative life and thus, providing the basis for the future development and application of transducers network
In synthesis the main innovation relevant to the present project can be summarized in the idea of applying the modern advanced manufacturing strategies to provide the classical composite structures with smart properties.
Moreover, the activities of the present project will permit also an advancement in the knowledge of the technological process behind the realization of complex smart structures and additive manufacturing process.
In terms of technology transfer the proposed innovation paves the way to a scenario of possible applications/products that might be developed in different areas of engineering. The case of the aerospace and of the automotive filed has already been described in detail in different parts of the present proposal. The adoption of the novel additive manufacturing processes for the best exploitation of the smart composite concept will allow to deal with the complexity of the component (that acquires the characteristics of a real engineering systems in terms of complexity of architecture and funtcions) by exploiting all the new degrees of freedom in design and manufacturing that such technologies offer nowadays.