Progetto di Ateneo (medio) - Social Alienation in the 21st Century: Between Work, Politics, and Public Administration

Progetto di Ateneo (medio) - Social Alienation in the 21st Century: Between Work, Politics, and Public Administration

The research aims to reconstruct and rethink the philosophical-political idea of social alienation, as well as to study the forms and the ways in which alienation is still present in today's advanced societies, with particular reference to the spheres of work, politics, and public administration. Firstly, we will reconstruct the idea of alienation with reference to the different theoretical traditions it pertains to: from the first elaborations by Rousseau, to existentialism, and to the Hegelian and Marxian developments of the concept.

PRIN PNRR 2022 - Democratizing Energy, Energizing Democracy (DEED): A deliberative, participatory energy democracy for an inclusive ecological transition

PRIN PNRR 2022 - Democratizing Energy, Energizing Democracy (DEED): A deliberative, participatory energy democracy for an inclusive ecological transition

The project aims to investigate and develop the idea of energy democracy (ED) through the lens of political philosophy. The objective is to arrive at a conception of ED that, in being feasible, deepens and expands the socially inclusive, deliberative, and participatory aspects of the concept, making it more capable of ensuring a just and participated ecological transition, and, thereby, to contribute to environmental quality.

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