Smart cities represent a great opportunity to design and implement efficient and sustainable services in different sectors (mobility, energy, health, distributive logistic, ...). In order to have real intelligence in these services it is required to have optimality of design and management with respect to different criteria (energy, risk, cost, impact, ...).
The objective of this project is the design and implementation of new models and algorithms for finding the complete set of efficient solutions for some fundamental bi-criteria network optimization problems underlying the planning and management operations of smart cities logistic and mobility systems. In this context, we will also study new algorithms to analyze the dynamic evolution of smart cities networks.
We believe that in the smart cities context environmental-aware logistics and mobility play a very important role but, due to the complexity of this scenario, more than one criteria has to be optimized simultaneously. The project proposes new algorithms for some of the fundamental bi-objective network optimization problems underlying the planning and management of real logistics systems in smart cities. We wish to apply these algorithms in practical logistic and mobility scenarios and I believe this contribution to be very valuable for the research activity of the Department of Statistical Sciences in the areas of multicriteria decision making and logistics.
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