The research project is focused on an interdisciplinary program, aimed at the reconstruction of development and transformation dynamics of the ancient city Elaiussa Sebaste. Both historical and environmental facets are considered, in order to contribute to cultural heritage's preservation.
Research has hitherto unearthed huge sectors of the site, showing relevant monumental complexes, in public and sacred areas, necropolises, residential and productive quarters.
From 2012 on, archaeological, geological, paleobotanical research and restoration activities have been joined by underwater survey and excavation. The latter allowed to recognize a number of deposits, confirming the important role played by the city and its harbours within Mediterranean commercial routes from Roman Imperial to Byzantine age.
The program foresees:
- continuation and expansion of archaeological and paleo-environmental research in the harbours' areas, to better define their transformation process
- geomagnetic analysis on the promontory and the necropolises, in order to integrate our knowledge about plans of monumental complexes in unexcavated areas
- continuation and expansion of archaeological research in the urban area, along with restoration and restitution of monumental complexes, with particular attention todecorated floors
- updating of cartography, detailed topographical survey, 3d model elaboration
- enhancing of visitors' paths' planning and realization, according to a sustainable restoration of the buit landscape
- filing, graphical documentation, restoration and study of the archaeological finds
- updating of Territorial Informative System (GIS) and of digital archive
- development of an overall project on the 'world of the deads' as an interpretative model of the archaeological sites of Rough Cilicia
- survey aimed at tracing possible testimonies of occupation phases preceding the Hellenistic period
- underwater survey
The research program on Elaiussa Sebaste that has been planned for next season foresees excavation interventions focused on a better comprehension of the monumental complexes that have been hitherto only partially investigated. This phase of the research is not only aimed at a deeper knowledge of the monuments but is preliminary to any planning and realization of conservative restorations aimed at the opening of new visiting areas. The final objective of the project is the creation of an archaeological park, conceived in respect of recent Italian regulations concerning archaeological areas, where both historical and environmental aspects of the micro-region, threatened by property speculation, are integrated.
Actually, one of the fundamental topics of the project is the application of strict rules in restorations, in a region where arbitrary reconstruction is often practised, instead of philologial restoration, deeply modifying the landscape. Considering both scientific aspects and social impact, particular attention is paid to the training of local staff for correct planning and realizingo of correct restoration and maintenance of the archaeological site.
From a strictly archaeological point of view, the research offers the opportunity to fully study some complexes of particular relevance for our understanding of themes in city-development, such as the evolution of public, sacred and private spaces according to historical and cultural changes.
One of the main objects of interest is the development of early Christian basilicas, built in former public and sacred areas of the site (the Roman temple, the Roman agora and Great Baths).
Another fundamental topic is the Byzantine palace whose architectural features represent an unicum in the landscape of Asia Minor architecture. The complex has been extensively investigated and needs the completing of finds' study, and topographical relations with the city's grid in the area, for a better understanding.
Moreover, the multi-disciplinary approach allows gathering data that are not limited to archaeological knowledge. Geological studies are expected to deepen our information about the changes landscape underwent during the lifetime of the city. Of particular interest are geological phenomena that involved the harbours, like the lifting of Anatolian plateau in this area and the silting out of the bays.
Palynological studies restitute the managing and use of cultivations, related to economic activities of the city. Underwater exploration allows enlarging our knowledge about trading routes the city was involved in, and may support Turkish authorities' task in preserving archaeological deposits.