This research proposal is related to the replace current ICP-MS with the new generation of ICP-MS. ICP-MS instruments have become popular in analytical laboratories owing to their versatility. In a few minutes, the ICP-MS can produce high-quality data for elements with a wide range of atomic masses, from 6Li to 238U. The best results are obtained for elements that have ionization potentials lower than those of the carrying gas (Ar, 15.8 eV) and that are free of isobaric interferences. The most common applications for ICP-MS are in biological, environmental, geological, and industrial fields. The following is a modest list of materials that can be analyzed by ICP-MS: Archeological Applications, Biological Applications, Foods, Health sciences, Earth Science Applications, Environmental Applications, Forensic Science, Industrial Applications.
Although it was initially used for the total quantification of trace metals in liquid samples, ICP-MS has matured into a powerful chromatographic detector and therefore an essential part of state-of-the-art hyphenated detection schemes, allowing the detection of all kinds of compounds via their characteristic (hetero) element content. In particular, the development of hyphenated techniques has established the importance of ICP-MS in the field of environmental speciation analysis during recent years which continuously emerged to the field of bio-inorganic speciation.
Accurate determination of elements in various kinds of samples is essential for many areas, including environmental science, medicine, as well as industry. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) is a powerful tool enabling multi-elemental analysis of numerous matrices with high sensitivity and good precision. Various calibration approaches can be used to perform accurate quantitative measurements by ICP-MS. They include the use of pure standards, matrix-matched standards, or relevant certified reference materials, assuring traceability of the reported results.
Analytical chemistry is an information-oriented discipline of science. It focuses on the detection of various Physico-chemical phenomena and collects relevant information on the composition of the investigated materials. According to the definition given in the IUPAC Gold Book, quantitative analysis refers to procedures during which the amount or concentration of an analyte can be determined (estimated) and expressed as a numerical value in appropriate units. Undoubtedly, obtaining reliable and accurate results from quantitative chemical measurements is of common interest. However, it is only possible when all the relevant processes involved in signal detection and quantification are understood and taken into account. Highest priority is always given to the so-called `definitive methods¿ of chemical analysis.
The commonly used instrumental methods require calibration using appropriate standards. Adequate calibration of instrumental methods allows for reliable quantification, even when analysing "difficult samples with the complex chemical composition (Danzer and Currie, 1998, Matschat et al., 2002. Thus, proper calibration of analytical instruments is a critical step of every instrumental analysis.
The scope of any measurement is to collect accurate data, according to the recognized context, in which the obtained results are intended to be used. Measurements of chemical properties involve assigning numbers reflecting dimensions of the measured properties, which can be compared to well-characterized standards. In principle, the measured values are only approximations of the true values. Acquiring accurate results is essential for many applications. Therefore, a significant effort should be taken to make chemical measurements as accurate as possible, according to the specified requirements.
The new generation of ICP-MS operates in He mode as standard, eliminating the need for reactive cell gases in virtually every application and dramatically simplifying method development and routine analysis.
In addition have these advantages:
Sample handling
Analysis-specific sample handling kits and additional mass flow controllers simplify instrument configuration and enable reproducibility. Plug-in compatibility with a wide range of industry-standard autosamplers and sampling valves optimises your workflows.
Increase throughput and automate the entire workflow from sample preparation to data review with an intelligent sample management accessory. Ensure error-free operation of the full sample batch, including:
-Complete calibration from a single standard
-Intelligent dilution of high matrix or over-range samples
Argon gas dilution
Eliminate the need for manual sample dilution and reduce matrix build-up on the interface by using automated
Argon Gas Dilution (AGD). This feature provides a simple solution for direct analysis of high matrix samples at % level concentrations, enabling extended periods of operation without cleaning.
In conclusion, the new generation of ICP-MS handle a broad variety of sample types with ease and accuracy:
Confidently measure both trace and major analytes in some of the most challenging matrices. Optimize productivity and accuracy with comprehensive interference removal for reliable multi-elemental analysis;
Geoscience exploration
Robust long-term analysis of the toughest rock digests and lithium metaborate fusions;
Food safety
Simultaneously measure toxic and essential elements for food quality and safety assessment.
IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology. 1997IUPAC Gold Book, 2nd edn(eds AD McNaught, A Wilkinson) Oxford, UK: Blackwell Scientific Publications. SeeXML corrected version http://goldbook.iupac.org (2006) created by Nic M, Jirat J, Kosata B, updates compiled by Jenkins A (accessed May 2020).
Matschat R, Czerwensky M, Pattberg S, Heinrich H-J, Tutschku S. (2002) "High purity metals as primary calibration materials for elemental analysis¿their importance and their certification". Mat. Trans. 43, 90¿97 (doi:10.2320/matertrans.43.90)