The project aims to realize a nano-engineered, new-generation tool amenable for high-resolution recording of electrophysiological activity from membrane of living cells offering the high spatial resolution comparable with a patch clamp electrode. The proposal is based on the fabrication of microelectrodes on a surface of plain substrate, disposed in array and contactable individually. The surface of the electrodes will be covered by a growth of silicon nanowires, whose dimensions in the nanometer range, will permit intimate contact with the cell membrane and an effective capability of recording the electrical activity on the surface. The electrode will also permit to activate the electroporation of the membrane and have electrical access to the interior of the cell measuring action potential.
If made available, this technology will fill the long-standing gap still existing in the field of highly-precise, large throughput tools currently available for basic to applied neuroscience and electro-cardiology. To do so, we will combine nanoscale electrodes with patterned microelectrodes. Our tool will predictably allow simultaneous extracellular and/or intracellular recording within the sample of choice reproducing the patch clamp behavior. With this project we hope to shed new light on the mechanisms underlying membrane electrical micro-dynamics of excitable (or non-excitable) cells within functional networks and their modulation by targeted pharmaceutical treatments.
Since the process of growth of the silicon nanowire (based on a Sapienza patent) is performed at low temperature (200°C), and thus is compatible with the standard integrated circuit, the project will represent an important step toward the realization of fully integrates biological system on chip.
Our results will contribute to a considerable advancement in Neurotechnologies and future prosthetics, with a grat impact on S/T and society. Shortly, our innovative technology will i) substantially impact the field of basic research in cellular and network neurophysiology by providing a tool with unprecedented resolution and selectivity - this is crucial both to our understanding of neuronal information processing and to information transfer from artificial devices (e.g. retina implants) to neurons; ii) enable a completely new generation of future neuroprostheses, capable of cell-selective signal transduction in clinical therapies for brain and motor diseases.
The range of intended applications of our novel technology for advancing fundamental Neuroscience have deep implications particularly for the subcellular signal transduction perspectives and for the high selectivity of transduction. The reduced size of the sensing unit and the unprecedented sensitivity would allow a direct access to the integration and propagation of physiological and pathological electrical signals throughout the morphology of individual neurons. This will pave the way for a dendrite-centric and axon-centric view of the electrophysiology of the brain tissue, which is currently very much soma-centric. The new device will allow a spatially superior mapping of the extracellular space, enabling the adoption of novel algorithms for spike waveforms identification
Our visionary project also has great impact on miniaturized biomedical technologies, drug-screening platforms and microsystems that currently employ automated array systems and ad-hoc microfluidics. It will strengthen the global competitiveness of the EU industry in applications involving the screening of neuroactive compounds and drug-discovery which today employ quite expensive automated patching platforms, one-cell at the time. High-density recording of neural activity with subcellular resolution is clearly a marketable product, which is of particular interest for the Pharma industry.