The study will evaluate, for the first time, the relation between early nutrition, metabolic complications, morbidity and neurodevelopment over the course of the first two years of life in preterm infants (PT). Nutrition in early life has the potential to influence clinical outcomes and neurodevelopment. Recent guidelines recommend an increase caloric and proteic intake for PT neonates, similar to that received by fetus during intrauterine life. However, if this nutritional approach may improves post-natal growth, the consequences on morbidity and neurodevelopment remain largely undefined. Recent studies suggest an increased number of metabolic complication associated with implementation of recent guidelines on early nutrition in PT. Cester & colleague demonstrated a similar neurological outcome in PT infant and fed at different quote of caloric and protein intakes in the first days of life.
In this study, we aim to investigate if caloric and protein intake in the first days of life may has an impact on the occurrence of neonatal morbidities and on neurodevelopment until 24 months of life. We will enroll preterm newborns with birth weight
The results of this study allow possible new insight that may open new perspectives in prevention and intervention of the most serious conditions that significantly affect survival probability and long-term outcomes of preterm neonates.
This Project is developed thanks to the creation of an international network between different important Universities (Sapienza, Harvard and Brown), aimed to investigate the relation between early nutrition and neurodevelopment.
Furthermore, the innovative aspects of this project are:
1-There are no studies that evaluate the relation between early nutrition and early neurodevelopmental profile at 36 and 40 week GA. This study aimed to address the paucity of literature in this area.
2- Little is known about the relation between early nutrition long term neurodevelopment. This study will add new informations about the effects of early nutritional strategies on long-term development. Possible new insight obtained with the results of this research, may open new perspectives in the nutritional approach of preterm newborn with significantly consequences on the long-term outcomes.
3- This study will also investigate early neurodevelopmental warning signs for infants' development. This will be crucial to implement specific early intervention addressed to specific target-population considered at-risk.