Contextual Multi-armed Bandits for Developing Personalized Mobile Health Interventions Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Tue, 19/04/2022 - 10:26
Optimal transportation based Bayesian experimental designs with application to clinical trials Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Tue, 19/04/2022 - 10:26
The role of self-reported health outcomes in cancer risk prediction: an exploratory study using the UK Biobank prospective cohort study Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Tue, 19/04/2022 - 07:42
Bayesian Population Size Estimation with a Single Sample Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Tue, 19/04/2022 - 07:32
Bayesian strategies for interim monitoring of clinical studies Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Tue, 19/04/2022 - 07:01
Prevalence of Multiple sclerosis in Italy: a study based on innovative capture-recapture methods Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Tue, 19/04/2022 - 06:49
Interpretability in Machine Learning with Applications to Genomics and Finance Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Wed, 13/04/2022 - 12:38
Advanced learning of COVID-19: insights from comparative modeling, machine learning and deep learning of aggregate data for informed forecasting at population and individual level Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Wed, 13/04/2022 - 12:33
Bayesian methods for consensus and evidence in clinical trials Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Wed, 13/04/2022 - 12:27
New statistical learning methods for model-based unsupervised classification of complex and high dimensional data Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Wed, 13/04/2022 - 12:27