Evolution and history of the Picene Culture through ancient DNA analysis. Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Mon, 11/04/2022 - 12:48
Unraveling the origin and the social organization of the Etruscan: the case study of Monteriggioni necropolis. Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Mon, 11/04/2022 - 12:48
Homo sapiens behaviour and adaptation in East Africa: Middle Stone Age evidence from Gotera (southern Ethiopia). Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Mon, 11/04/2022 - 12:48
LA SAPIENZA A BETLEMME: ARCHEOLOGIA URBANA, SALVAGUARDIA E VALORIZZAZIONE Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Mon, 11/04/2022 - 12:48
Zooarchaeology by Mass Spectrometry (ZooMS) nel Sahara centrale: analisi dei peptidi del collagene per una migliore comprensione delle strategie di gestione e sfruttamento delle risorse animali tra Medio e Tardo Olocene (8300-4600 anni dal presente). Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Mon, 11/04/2022 - 12:48
Non-Scribal Communication and Palaeography: le Masons¿ Marks del palazzo di Festòs a Creta Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Mon, 11/04/2022 - 12:48
Il santuario megalitico di Tas-Silg (Malta) e le interazioni nel Mediterraneo centrale fra 3000 e 700 a.C. Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Mon, 11/04/2022 - 12:48
The Farfa Valley Project. Caves, people, and past environments. Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Mon, 11/04/2022 - 12:48
Jericho from Pre-Pottery Neolithic to the Bronze and Iron Ages. Investigating a key-site of the ancient Near East - a multidisciplinary approach Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Mon, 11/04/2022 - 12:48
Excavations and Researches at Arslantepe-Malatya (Turkey) Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Mon, 11/04/2022 - 12:48