Virtual Reality Action Test - Evaluating the feasibility and reliability of the Naturalistic Action Test in a Virtual Environment, for older adults with MCI. Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Tue, 19/04/2022 - 09:55
Beyond General Dispositional Tendencies: The Emergence of Conditional Personality Traits and Their Unique Contribution to Academic Achievement and Personal Adjustment Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Tue, 19/04/2022 - 09:54
WELL-BEING AT WORK- A COMPARATIVE STUDY Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Tue, 19/04/2022 - 07:31
Effects of intergroup bias on Racial bias: how intergroup differentiation of a novel social category may override a concurrent and automatic racial bias Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Tue, 19/04/2022 - 07:04
Reciprocal relations between perfectionism and the assertive and antagonistic aspects of narcissism: Findings from a longitudinal study Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Wed, 13/04/2022 - 12:22
Costruzione di uno score composito per la valutazione dell'efficacia dei trattamenti contro la cefalea: un approccio basato sulla Conjoint Analysis Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Mon, 11/04/2022 - 12:48
Positive development among Youth Living in Poverty Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Mon, 11/04/2022 - 12:48
Gender Ideology and LGBT Lobby Conspiracies (GILC) Scale: Antecedents, Processes and Consequences of the Conspiracy Beliefs about LGBT people Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Mon, 11/04/2022 - 12:48
A multi-country research study to assess content validity of a new sexual health-related survey instrument within the general populations, using `cognitive interviews¿ Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Mon, 11/04/2022 - 12:48
The influence of safety and insecurity climate on affective well-being and job satisfaction: A multilevel analysis Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Mon, 11/04/2022 - 12:48