Development of a new approach based on Information Theory and machine learning for the detection of physiological states in humans Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Tue, 19/04/2022 - 10:24
NeVuAMA: Artificial Intelligence for Network Vulnerability Analysis under Malicious Attacks Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Tue, 19/04/2022 - 10:16
Analisi qualitativa e asintotica di EDP nonlineari Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Tue, 19/04/2022 - 06:55
An adaptive model-free reinforcement learning based communication algorithm for underwater sensor networks Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Tue, 19/04/2022 - 06:52
Per una etnografia post-pandemica: smart working come forma di vita. Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Wed, 13/04/2022 - 12:44
SVILUPPI IN TEMA DI ANALISI DEL RISCHIO SISTEMICO ED INDICAZIONI DI POLICY Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Wed, 13/04/2022 - 12:05
Performance Analysis of Dynamic Networks through Progressive Network Tomography Submitted by Anonimo (not verified) on Mon, 11/04/2022 - 12:48