Keeping in mind the promising results of the presenters of this proposal (Babiloni et al., 2012; Del Percio et al., 2017, 2018, 2020; Imbriglio et al., 2019; Lopez et al., 2020; Corsi et al., 2021), we propose to set up a new research platform for Sapienza University of Rome, namely the acquisition of an advanced system for simultaneous video-EEG recordings in two mice (i.e., a couple formed by an experimental and a control mouse) and automated data analysis. More specifically, the new interdepartmental platform would allow what follows:
(1) The simultaneous recording of videos, EEG (three channels) and electromyographic (EMG) signals in two mice (control and experimental groups) over 24 hours from two cages;
(2) The automatic analysis of the videos by a software-based automated quantification of animal movements and a software-based automatic classification of the behavioural conditions of the mice (e.g., passive wake, active wake, NREM sleep, and REM sleep) from EEG, EMG, and video-recordings.
Such a new platform may be used to investigate ongoing EEG rhythms in the passive wake, exploratory movements, and sleep (NREM-REM) conditions to study:
(1) The effects of inflammatory, amyloidosis, and neurodegenerative processes (e.g., Alzheimer's disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, diseases affecting the neuroimmune system, etc.) on EEG activity reflecting the neurophysiological ascending oscillatory cerebral systems regulating wake-sleep cycle and vigilance in mice;
(2) The modulation of those systems and cognitive-motor indexes by new drugs and interventions.
With the technical specifications required in the present proposal, the new interdepartmental platform represents the state-of-art technology in the framework of mouse preclinical EEG-EMG recording and automatic detection of behavioural states and sleep staging. Currently, the platform used has some technical disadvantages:
(1) No automatic acquisition and analysis software is available to detect behavioural state, including sleep staging. The direct consequence of this issue is that the behavioural and sleep characterization is based on the visual inspection of EEG, EMG and Video recordings by a trained researcher, thus requiring a considerable time expenditure and a higher error probability due to the subjectivity of the outcomes.
(2) The current set-up is based on using an EEG acquisition system that was initially acquired for clinical research in humans and, subsequently, adapted to the preclinical studies. Thus, some technical features, such as the sampling frequency and bandwidths, could not capture the entire signal dynamics, especially concerning the EMG signals (typically ranging between 100-1000 Hz).
(3) Due to preliminary knowledge in the field of mouse preclinical studies, some components of the current set-up were not chosen as the preferable alternatives. Indeed, the wires connecting the head mounts with the preamplifiers resulted too heavy for small mice, and the swivels allowed animals only to move in a limited space.
The new interdepartmental platform will benefit from the experience in preclinical mouse studies developed by the Presenters in the framework of the mentioned "PharmaCog" and "Synanet" projects dealing with the:
(1) Specific attention to animals' care for the use in research studies, with laboratory technicians well trained in the mouse housing, proper feeding and watering, anaesthetic and analgesic therapies, habituation to the experimental set-up.
(2) Excellent expertise in EEG and EMG electrode implantation and the quality evaluation and analysis of the recorded signals.
(3) Different scientific background of the Presenters, spanning from Neurophysiology, Psychology, Psychiatry, Engineering. This aspect will allow detailed characterization of the neurophysiological and pathophysiological mechanisms investigated in specific mouse models of the above-mentioned inflammatory, amyloidosis, and neurodegenerative processes.