Family secrets: Interviews to Aktion T4 families' victims
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Emanuele Betta | Aggiungi Tutor di riferimento (Professore o Ricercatore afferente allo stesso Dipartimento del Proponente) |
What the Nazis called "Aktion T4" was a Euthanasia program, officially started on August 18th, 1939. The registration¿ operations for individuals with physical or mental handicaps were followed by the forced sterilization and the transfer to the clinics organized to kill.
What do the Germans of today know about the Aktion T4? Why it¿s difficult for them to relate to this event, compared to the other crimes committed by Nazi Germany?
With this research, I will try to explain the mechanisms by the memory of actions that led to a merciful death of approximately 70,000 lives "unworthy of life", which has been preserved in the private and family dimensions, and how and what characteristics it has been transmitted from one generation to another.
Through interviews with families, who had a relative interned in one of the program's clinics spread across the Reich territory between 1939 and 1945, I will investigate the evolution and passage of memories stored within the family sphere, paying attention to the generational steps and processes of the trauma.
Those stories are made out of difficult reconstruction attempts, silence, and negations, the same ones that led the victims to live in a condition they could not understand, and separated them from the world before testing a solitary death. Far from any contact with their families, the trauma I analyze concerns actions, carried out by previous generations of my interviewees.
The problematic relationship everybody has with the end-of-life issue and the sense of guilt which generated by the awareness of crimes that committed, in this case, peculiarity with Aktion T4, which was not a crime committed beyond national borders or outside the private sphere and to the others, but in the most central and intimate place of Nazi culture: the family.