Vito D'Andrea


Title Published on Year
“Cystamatic” review. Is surgery mandatory for pneumatosis cystoides intestinalis? DIGESTIVE DISEASES AND SCIENCES 2019
False in name only—gastroduodenal artery pseudoaneurysm in a recurrently bleeding patient: Case report and literature review DIGESTIVE DISEASES AND SCIENCES 2019
Giant retroperitoneal myelolipoma: an unusual diagnostic Gi challenge. Case report and review of the literature DIGESTIVE DISEASES AND SCIENCES 2019
Aims and scope of a new journal on gastric diseases and surgical practice JOURNAL OF GASTRIC SURGERY 2019
A protocol for cooperation to establish an International Gastric Cancer Unit (IGCU) JOURNAL OF GASTRIC SURGERY 2019
The ERAS protocol is at the forefront of the peri-operative pathway in colorectal surgery. Monocentric clinical study IL GIORNALE DI CHIRURGIA 2019
The role of grade of injury in non-operative management of blunt hepatic and splenic trauma. Case series from a multicenter experience MEDICINE 2019
Fluorescence image-guided lymphadenectomy using indocyanine green and near infrared technology in robotic gastrectomy INTERNATIONAL GASTRIC CANCER CONGRESS PRAGUE 2019 2019
Robotic total gastrectomy for gastric cancer in Italy: clinical and oncological results from the IMIGASTRIC database INTERNATIONAL GASTRIC CANCER CONGRESS PRAGUE 2019 2019
Impact of cardiovascular/diabetic comorbidity on conversion rate during laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis: a multi-center study on early versus very delayed approach IL GIORNALE DI CHIRURGIA 2019
Cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis in octogenarians. Impact of advanced age on postoperative outcome MINERVA CHIRURGICA 2019
Comparison of outcomes following intersphincteric resection vs low anterior resection for low rectal cancer. A systematic review IL GIORNALE DI CHIRURGIA 2018
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy for acute cholecystitis. Are intended operative approach, timing and outcome affected by BMI? A multicenter retrospective study IL GIORNALE DI CHIRURGIA 2018
Variation in preoperative antithrombotic strategy, severe bleeding and use of blood products in coronary artery bypass grafting. Results from the multicenter E-CABG registry EUROPEAN HEART JOURNAL. QUALITY OF CARE & CLINICAL OUTCOMES 2018
A rare case of leiomyoma of the bladder PARIPEX INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH 2018
Three-dimensional versus two-dimensional laparoscopic right colectomy. A systematic review and meta-analysis INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COLORECTAL DISEASE 2018
Early versus delayed approach in cholecystectomy after admission to an emergency department. A multicenter retrospective study IL GIORNALE DI CHIRURGIA 2018
Open and / or laparoscopic surgical treatment of liver hydatic cysts PARIPEX INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH 2018
A rare case of lipoma arising from pterygopalatine fossa (PPF). Radiological diagnostic imaging with 3D CT cone beam PARIPEX INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH 2018
Development of a NEMS-technology based nano gripper Advances in service and industrial robotics 2018

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