The present research proposal aims to investigate the resilience of cyber-physical systems. This research wants to develop a simulation model that can be used to examine and predict the impacts of a cyber disruption on the supply chain (SC) performance. In this volatile and rapidly changing world, SCs have become more complex and connected and the frequency of SC disruptions seems to be increasing. Today SC are also referred to "smart supply chain" or "cyber supply chain", despite the hype of these terms this explains how the SC context has incorporated in its network the use of new technologies increasing, on the one hand, its efficiency and on the other its vulnerability to cyber risks. Cyber-attacks are not only unpredictable but often completely unknown when they occur. Their constant renewal makes them a complex threat to deal with. The recent COVID-19 outbreak has shown how today¿s lean and globalized SC are extremely prone to unpredictable events with little known effects. Italian companies have shown that there is a lack of proactive approach, the idea that turbulence and instability can be considered episodic crisis is still a common belief that has not contributed to the diffusion of a state of readiness before something happens. Through a state of the art review, the topic of cyber disruption related to smart supply chains will be analyzed in depth, especially with respect to simulation models. Then, possibly using data available from a high-tech manufacturing SC simulate the impact of a cyber-attack on a SC system. The results related to this study will allow companies to rethink their organization from a perspective that is no longer only aimed at detecting the cyber-attack but to be able to adapt its processes ensuring business continuity.
Most of the previous studies related to cyber risks are typical of cybersecurity studies and are focused on the monitoring and fault detection phase. This research will focus on helping supply chain managers to support the survival of their organizations by identifying cyber risks along their supply chain, protecting their echelons, and assessing strategies to mitigate and recover after a cyber disruption.
While the economic performance of supply chains has steadily improved, their vulnerability has become major sources of concern. Today's SCs face not only an increased risk of cyber disruption but also an increase on customer expectations, global competition, greater product variety, and shorter product lifecycles. All these new demands increase the importance of being able to manage a cyber-attack efficiently. Cyber-attacks are new challenging disruptions. These attacks are not only unpredictable but often completely unknown when they occur. Their constant renewal makes them a complex threat to deal with. Since it is not possible to prepare for every possible scenario, new studies need to examine the attack goals, the vulnerabilities of the SC and the impact of the disruption. These assessments will provide the basis for implementing mitigation and recovery strategies. Despite the new threats, these hyperconnected SCs offers the opportunity to collect a vast amount of data and open new study scenarios previously penalized by data shortages. Digitalization has changed the management of SC, sensors, RFID and tracking devices are improving operational efficiency; cloud computing has enabled a more effective inventory management and real-time information sharing among SC actors; blockchain The challenge that this project poses is to use this data to simulate the impact of a cyber-attack on one or more actors in the supply chain. An exhaustive case study will be conducted to test and validate the simulation model. A possible industry which will be investigated is the high-tech manufacturing industry. This industry has always been exposed and vulnerable to cybercrime. Attackers are often financially motivated, and this sector has incredibly valuable intellectual property. Moreover, among all the industries, this one has invested the most in digitalizing its supply chain. Their actors are today perfectly connected through an efficient network, automation have been introduced in plants, warehouses and distribution centers and data shared among echelons. Their overall performance and efficiency have increased but now they are facing new unpredictable cyber threats for which the economic impact is estimated to increase significantly. For all these reasons this study wants to develop a tool able to help practitioners better manage all the consequences. To achieve this goal a simulation technique will be used. Simulation offers the opportunity to imitate the behavior of a complex system such as a supply chain and by making changes it is possible to gain an understanding of the dynamics of the physical SC. Since the simulation offers a perfect representation of the reality in which organizations operate, the results of this model will provide companies with the tools they need to rethink their organization to ensure business continuity.