Nome e qualifica del proponente del progetto: 

Ports play a key role in increasing the decarbonisation of urban environments in mitigating environmental impacts of maritime transport and promoting sustainable intermodal mobility. Various efforts have been made for increasing energy self-sufficiency of ports. The present proposal focuses on an integrated multidisciplinary and multiscale digital approach fostering the decarbonisation of port areas developing energy-saving procedures, strategies and Renewable Energy Systems (RESs) tailored to ports areas. The proposed methodology foresees a multi-scale approach considering buildings, port areas (districts) and the surrounding areas (regions), including marine and inland surfaces using different scale-based software as BIM (Building Information Modeling ), GIS (Geographic Information System), ENVI (Environment for Visualizing Images), SNAP (Sentinel Application Platform) tools and open source platforms such as Copernicus, Google earth, MEERA-2 (Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications, Version-2) and ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts). This multiscale and multidisciplinary approach is intended to develop theoretical models for identifying and quantifying the potential Energy Efficiency Solutions (EESs) and potential of RESs requalification interventions rethinking and decarbonising port areas. Furthermore, artificial intelligence (AI) has been considered to design and develop a control system and management of RESs for decision making monitoring and modelling the energy production and needs. This AI system will be applied to the generated energy source based on various parameters of the RESs used in ports, especially real and potential production, power supply equipment, access control and safety equipment. Finally, the developed multiscale and multidisciplinary approach will be tested into 4 ports of Lazio Region characterized by different contexts, sizes and end uses to improve the model and foster its replicability.

Componenti gruppo di ricerca: 

Energy efficiency is a hot topic because advances in existing technology directly affect the management of ports. There are still significant research gaps given the rapid growth of science and new technology for energy efficiency that need to be addressed in future research, especially at the operational scale in ports. Economic and environmental analysis in automatic ports is also necessary and inevitable. Thus, the integration of stand-alone electrical equipment with energy storage devices provides intelligent methods that have considerable scope for further analysis. This optimization can dramatically increase equipment life, which helps conserve better RESs. In this regard, the role of independent or electric vehicles in the smart grid is inevitable, which should be further discussed for future port operations.
Sustainable energy development management using RESs is an emerging issue for ports. In this case, a conceptual framework for energy management systems can be very effective, similar to the model in their construction. Unfortunately, no studies have analysed barriers to energy efficiency accurately and with appropriate reproducibility in ports. These barriers to energy efficiency in ports include most technical, economic, regulatory and managerial aspects. In addition, there are barriers to clean fuel and other technologies, so barrier analysis is invaluable to industry and academia. However, in most cases, RESs are supported by technical reports and are accompanied by a severe shortage of practical scientific papers in ports. In addition, there are no studies that have used to install RESs converters with all available factors and methods of artificial intelligence of ports.
In this regard, investing in RESs is a key point; such investments require a detailed analysis of all economic investment parameters. Researchers can focus on smart grid analysis, evaluate and operational performance through simulation tools. Balancing energy demand and energy supply in a smart grid is a complex task. Because energy supply from RESs fluctuates mainly due to the complexity of operations, mathematical analysis, artificial intelligence algorithms (deep learning and machine learning) to configure and design a challenging network and predict energy demand.
The present proposal focuses on an integrated multidisciplinary and multiscale digital approach fostering the decarbonisation of touristic port areas. The study aimed to develop energy-saving procedures, strategies and Renewable Energy Systems (RESs) for ports sustainability. In addition, the research potential of digital models has been evaluated using various software such as BIM, GIS, ENVI, SNAP and open-source operating systems such as the Copernicus data platform, Google Earth, MEERA-2 and ECMWF.
Fortunately, this methodology uses satellite data and reanalysis data and the dataset have been designed, developed, and launched by the European Space Agency (ESA) and NASA, which has high datasets. These open-source platform tools for discovering, extracting, processing and mapping RESs to better understand ports as a preferred area with very high time resolution (hourly, monthly, yearly). In this proposal, Sapienza University of Rome will cooperate with the University of Adelaide in Australia to develop models and algorithms for evaluating all available real-scale parameters with AI algorithms. This AI system will be applied to the generated energy source parameters based on various parameters in the RESs used in ports, especially in renewable energy sources analysis, power supply equipment, access control and safety equipment.

Codice Bando: 

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma