
Drunkorexia: Disordered eating behaviors and risky alcohol consumption among adolescents

The first goal of our study was to examine the differences on disordered eating and alcohol consumption among heavy, occasional restrictors, and non-restrictors in a sample of 823 adolescents. The second goal was to analyze the relation of drunkorexia between unhealthy eating and alcohol use. Our results showed that heavy restrictors reported more eating disorder symptoms and alcohol use than occasional restrictors and non-restrictors. Similarly, occasional restrictors showed more unhealthy eating and drinking behaviors than non-restrictors.

Drunkorexia: An Examination of the Role of Theory of Mind and Emotional Awareness among Adolescents

This study aimed to investigate Theory of Mind (ToM) and emotional awareness in drunkorexia, an emerging behavior characterized by calorie restriction when drinking alcohol is planned. A sample of 246 adolescents (148 females, 98 males; range 17–20) completed self-reported measures assessing drunkorexia, ToM and lack of emotional awareness. Drunkorexia was negatively correlated with ToM abilities, with reading neutral emotions, and positively with lack of emotional awareness. ToM and lack of emotional awareness were also found to predict drunkorexia.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma