
Preschoolers’ anticipation of sadness for excluded peers, sympathy, and prosocial behavior

We investigated the relations between anticipation of sadness for excluded peers, sympathy, and prosocial behavior in a sample of 127 Italian preschoolers (Mage= 4.84 years, SD = 0.85). Children attributed emotions to hypothetical excluded peers who exhibited withdrawn versus aggressive behavior, and these attributions were coded for the presence and intensity of sadness. Teachers rated children’s sympathy and prosocial behavior via questionnaire. In general, children attributed more sadness to the withdrawn excluded peer than the aggressive excluded peer.

Executive functions and symptom severity in an Italian sample of intellectually able preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder

A novel battery (BAFE; Valeri etal. 2015) was used in order to assess three executive function (EF) abilities (working memory, inhibition and shifting) in a sample of 27 intellectually able preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) compared with 27 typically developing children matched on age and nonverbal IQ. Differences in EF skills were analyzed in participants with distinct ASD symptom severity. Children with ASD performed worse than typical controls on both set-shifting and inhibition, but not on visuo-spatial working memory.

Physical risk taking in preschoolers: a comparison between children’s and mothers’ perceptions

Children's injuries are a serious public-health problem, but they could be substantially reduced by proper prevention. According to the literature the best predictor of injuriesis the physical risk taking. In this study we examined preschoolers' and mothers' perceptions of children's physical risk taking. Participants included 203 children (M age = 60 months), their mothers and their teachers.

Pre-handwriting skills and Executive Function in pre-schoolers

Background and aim
Handwriting is a complex task and requires integration of cognition, graphomotor skills and Executive Functions.
The role of handwriting automation and EF in the writing process is known primarily from school-based
studies: there is a relationship between handwriting and EF in learning writing skills, particularly in the early
years of primary school. The link between the emerging writing skills and EF in pre-schoolers isn’t so evident
though. Identifying the relationship between these skills can help provide better support for children

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