focus group

Ripensare il successo scolastico a partire dal vissuto degli studenti

L’articolo presenta i principali risultati di una ricerca sul benessere/disagio e le percezioni del contesto
scolastico di studenti di scuola secondaria di primo grado. Il campione è di convenienza e prende in
considerazione quasi 4500 studenti. A partire da un’analisi del quadro teorico che evidenzia la necessità
di considerare le condizioni di benessere come parte del successo scolastico, in quanto comprendono
sentimenti di soddisfazione e motivazione, orientano l’apprendimento e aumentano la perfomance, vengono

A proposal for the analysis of the relational dimension in the interview techniques: a pilot study on in-depth interviews and focus groups

Several current scholars of sociological methodology put increasing emphasis on the centrality of the relational dimension in the process of collecting information. But what are the interactional mechanisms involved in the construction of data? In order to answer this question, this study will use the relational analysis, applying it to two specific families of interrogation techniques: the focus groups and the in-depth interviews.

Using focus groups. Theory, Methodology, Practice

The book is a critical for application guide, committed to make aware all the users of the advantages and the disadvantages of focus group (FG) applications. in this sense the book adopts a practical approach substantiated by a “methodological thickness”. Like any research tool, the focus group requires some recommendations for users, especially regarding the procedure for preparing, gathering, and analysing of the information.

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