
Changes in impulse control disorder features in a present kleptomania patient and importance of rational treatment strategy on social dangerousness. a case report

The argument of the present article is the case of a 52 year-old male suffering from compulsive
disorders (cocaine addiction, gambling, kleptomania) since adolescence, with behavioural
and clinical features changing over time and poorly influenced by pharmacological
At present the patient shows kleptomanic behaviour pharmacologically treated with antipsychotics,
antidepressants and anxiolytics. No specific treatment for compulsive spectrum
appears to have been effected along the clinical history of the patient.

Immigrant status and problem-gambling severity in adolescents: Evidence for moderation by sensation seeking

Despite the multidimensional/ecological integrative perspective that suggests that the risk for problem gambling
in adolescents can be determined by an interactive effect of different risk factors, few studies have investigated
how different individual factors may affect the risk for problem gambling in a multiplicative way. This study
aimed at exploring the interaction between immigrant status (IS) and sensation seeking (SS) on adolescent
problem-gambling severity. The study involved 994 Italian adolescents (64% boys, Mage = 16.57, SD = 1.62).

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma