
Tea Party support, racial resentment and evaluations of Obama. A moderation analysis

Research has ascertained that a peculiar feature of support for the Tea Party movement can be traced back to former President
Barack Obama himself. Animosity toward Obama has been linked in turn to partisanship and racial resentment. However,
whether or not support for the Tea Party acts as a moderator in shaping how racial resentment and party identification infuse
negative evaluations of Obama has not yet been investigated. Using the 2012 American National Election Studies sample, we

On the psychology of extremism: How motivational imbalance breeds intemperance

We present a psychological model of extremism based on the concept of motivational imbalance whereby a given need gains dominance and overrides other basic concerns. In contrast, moderation results from a motivational balance wherein individuals' different needs are equitably attended to. Importantly, under moderation the different needs constrain individuals' behaviors in prohibiting actions that serve some needs yet undermine others. Those constraints are relaxed under motivational imbalance where the dominant need crowds out alternative needs.

Power moderates the effects of social dominance orientation on punishment An experimental analysis

In this study, it was hypothesized that experimentally manipulated levels of power would moderate the association of dispositional social dominance orientation (SDO) with preferences for harsh punishment. In particular, we expected to detect a stronger effect for dispositional SDO in the low-power condition, relying on the notion that low power enhances sensitivity to threats to the status quo, and that high SDO individuals are particularly motivated to enforce hierarchy-enhancing measures as punishment.

Immigrant status and problem-gambling severity in adolescents: Evidence for moderation by sensation seeking

Despite the multidimensional/ecological integrative perspective that suggests that the risk for problem gambling
in adolescents can be determined by an interactive effect of different risk factors, few studies have investigated
how different individual factors may affect the risk for problem gambling in a multiplicative way. This study
aimed at exploring the interaction between immigrant status (IS) and sensation seeking (SS) on adolescent
problem-gambling severity. The study involved 994 Italian adolescents (64% boys, Mage = 16.57, SD = 1.62).

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma