
Orthodontic treatment and third molars development: longitudinal study on radiographs

OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of first premolar extraction on third molar angulation during fixed orthodontic treatment. MATERIALS AND METHODS The sample of this study included pre-treatment and post-treatment orthopantomographs (OPG) of 40 patients, 17 males and 23 women (106 third molars), treated by fixed orthodontic appliances at the Department of Orthodontics, Sapienza University, Rome. All individuals had both first and second mandibular molars present at all stages and initial malocclusion.

Intraoral scanners in personal identification of corpses: usefulness and reliability of 3d technologies in modern forensic dentistry

Aims: This study aims to verify the applicability of modern dental technologies and their related principles of use to the forensic sciences in the field of personal identification. Background: Personal identification has always had a major role in many legal and administrative actions regarding both living and death beings. The techniques used are much less advanced than the technologies potentially available.

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