Chromium-rich vanadio-oxy-dravite from the Tzarevskoye uranium–vanadium deposit, Karelia, Russia: a second world-occurrence of Al–Cr–V–oxy-tourmaline
A green tourmaline sample from the Tzarevskoye uranium–vanadium deposit, close to the Srednyaya Padma deposit, Lake Onega, Karelia Republic, Russia, has been found to be the second world-occurrence of Cr-rich vanadio-oxy-dravite in addition to the Pereval marble quarry, Sludyanka crystalline complex, Lake Baikal, Russia, type-locality. From the crystal-structure refinement and chemical analysis, the following empirical formula is proposed: X(Na0.96K0.02□0.02)Σ1.00 Y(V1.34Al0.68Mg0.93Cu2+0.02Zn0.01Ti0.01)Σ3.00 Z(Al3.19Cr1.36V0.03Mg1.42)Σ6.00(TSi6O18)(BBO3)3V(OH)3W[O0.60(OH)0.23F0.17]Σ1.00.