
Anisakis rischio emergente in medicina del lavoro: stato dell'arte

Anisakis è un parassita presente in ambiente acquatico marino i cui ospiti intermedi sono piccoli crostacei e quelli paratenici sono pesci e cefalopodi, mentre gli ospiti definitivi sono mammiferi marini. L’uomo può accidentalmente infestarsi mangiando pesci e cefalopodi crudi, sviluppando una zoonosi chiamata anisakidosi. Le manifestazioni cliniche, che possono essere aspecifiche e interessare prevalentemente il tratto gastrointestinale, possono comprendere anche reazioni allergiche molto gravi (asma, dermatite, shock anafilattico).

Comparative transcriptomics reveals clues for differences in pathogenicity between hysterothylacium aduncum, Anisakis simplex sensu stricto and Anisakis pegreffid

Ascaridoid nematodes are widespread in marine fishes. Despite their major socioeconomic importance, mechanisms associated to the fish-borne zoonotic disease anisakiasis are still obscure. RNA-Seq and de-novo assembly were herein applied to RNA extracted from larvae and dissected pharynx of Hysterothylacium aduncum (HA), a non-pathogenic nematode. Assembled transcripts in HA were annotated and compared to the transcriptomes of the zoonotic species Anisakis simplex sensu stricto (AS) and Anisakis pegreffii (AP). Approximately 60,000,000 single-end reads were generated for HA, AS and AP.

Paucisymptomatic gastric anisakiasis. Endoscopical removal of Anisakis sp. larva

Anisakiasis is increasing worldwide, even in Europe and in the Mediterranean region due to the
increased practice of raw fish consumption. Usually, a detailed food history is the key to the diagnosis. A
52-year-old woman affected by pathological obesity underwent esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) for
a 1-year history of epigastric pain. In the gastric fundus, an Anisakis sp. larva, was casually detected. The
nematode was successfully removed with a biopsy forceps. In this case, the finding of the parasite was

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