critical illness
Pricing Critical Illness Insurance from Prevalence Rates: Gompertz versus Weibull
The pricing of a Critical Illness insurance requires specific and detailed insur- ance data on healthy and ill lives. However, where the Critical Illness insurance market is small or national commercial insurance data needed for premium esti- mates is unavailable, national health statistics can be a viable starting point for insurance ratemaking purposes, even if such statistics cover the general popu- lation, are aggregate and are reported at irregular intervals.
Therapeutic Hypothermia in Critically Ill Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of High Quality Randomized Trials
Objectives: To investigate the effect of the application of therapeutic hypothermia (32-35°C) on survival and major clinical endpoints in critically ill patients. Data Sources: We searched online database and clinical trial registries dated up to April 30, 2019, and references of relevant studies. Study Selection: Low risk of bias randomized trials which compared hypothermia applied for at least 24 hours and conventional therapy in critically ill patients were included.