
Migrations. Countries of immigrants, countries of migrants. Canada, Italy

This book presents two special cases related to the phenomenon of migration: Italy and Canada. The phenomenon of migration highlights the contradictions, strengths and weaknesses of the functioning of a country along a variety of its dimensions. The figure of the immigrant (of the "foreigner") calls into question established practices, raises doubt about existing institutions, and challenges public opinion.

Some considerations on moral rights in the USA and in the EU today

The USA joined the 1886 Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works only in 1989, with the Berne Convention Implementation Act (BCIA). Thirty years later, the Copyright Office published in April 2019 an extensive study about the American protection of moral rights. The document is studied in comparison with the European Directives and in particular with the Copyright Directive definitively approved a few days before the Copyright Office document.

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