
Miniscrew-supported distal jet versus conventional distal jet appliance: a pilot study

Background: Maxillary molar distalization is the most frequently used nonextraction treatment in the correction of Class II malocclusion. The use of traditional intra-oral devices shows unreliable results. Nowadays the use of miniscrew-supported appliances helps prevent anchorage loss. The aim of this pilot study is to compare the amount of upper first molar distalization and the dentoalveolar side effects using traditional distal jet appliance and miniscrew-supported distal jet appliance.

Palatal miniscrew insertion using a CAD/CAM surgical guide: a clinical case

OBJECTIVES The aim of the present clinical case is to describe an orthodontic treatment to gain space in the maxillary arch by using a bone-anchored molar distalization appliance (distal-jet). Computer-guided palatal orthodontic mini-screws were inserted in the palatal vault thanks the use of a surgical guide realized with CAD/CAM technology. MATERIALS AND METHODS In this case report two orthodontic mini-screws were inserted in the palatal area by means of a surgical guide by a specialist in orthodontic without oral surgery or computer-guided skills.

Uprighting impacted mandibular second molar using a skeletal anchorage: a case report

The aim of this case report is to present an innovative combined orthodontic-surgical technique to disimpact mandibular second molar (MM2) using an orthodontic miniscrew and an elastic chain. The impact on the Oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) was also evaluated. Using the present techinique, it is possible to expose the impacted tooth, insert a self-drilling miniscrew in the retromolar area, and remove the bud of third mandibular molar.

Computer-guided palatal canine disimpaction: a technical note

Aim: To present a minimally invasive approach to solve the impaction of palatal canines using computer-guided orthodontic miniscrews. Materials and methods: Miniscrew-supported appliances for palatal canine disimpaction are performed with CAD/CAM technology. With adequate software, it is possible to match the STL files of the dental arch with the DICOM images of the maxilla, previously transformed into STL files. The ideal points for miniscrew insertion can be identified on the STL 3D model file on the basis of the width and thickness of the palatal vault.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma