angle Class III

Prevalence of maxillary canine impaction in skeletal Class III malocclusions compared to Class I malocclusions

Background: The aim of the present investigation was to evaluate if an orthodontic population of Class III malocclusion patients shows a different prevalence of maxillary canine impaction than Class I subjects.
Material and Methods: Fifty-eight subjects were retrospectively selected and assigned to the Class I group (n=
32) or the Class III group (n= 26), depending on the ANB and WITS values. Lateral cephalograms were used to
collect angular and linear measurements that described the skeletal and dental maxillary features of the subjects,

Skin irritation from a facial mask in Class III malocclusion: evaluation of individual silicone chin cups in a group of 100 children


Reverse headgear (a facial mask) is one of the most frequently used interceptive orthodontic devices in patients with Class III malocclusion. It is a simple device but may present some drawbacks related to pressure on the skin generated by the forehead and chin supports linked to the maxillary intraoral appliance by elastics. This can cause injury to the chin and lips.

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