
Variabili relazionali e benessere psicologico in persone anziane gay, lesbiche, bisessuali e transgender. Una rassegna critica

La letteratura psicologica ha solo recentemente prestato maggiore attenzione alle persone anziane lesbiche, gay, bisessuali e transgender (LGBT) anche a causa delle sfide metodologiche che caratterizzano lo studio di tale popolazione. Scopo della presente rassegna è approfondire il contesto sociale e relazionale delle persone anziane LGBT e l’impatto che le relazioni significative esercitano su alcuni processi fondamentali come il coming-out e l’isolamento, il benessere psicologico e la salute fisica.

Motivated shield from chronic noise environment. Moderation of the relationship between noise sensitivity and work wellbeing by need for closure

Several studies have underlined how chronic exposure to environmental noise may have negative effects on performance, wellbeing, and social relations. The present study (N = 90 employees of a motor factory who are chronically exposed to environmental noise) investigated whether the negative effects of chronic exposure of noise-sensitive individuals to noise in the workplace may be moderated by the need for cognitive closure (i.e., an epistemic tendency to reduce uncertainty; NFCC, Kruglanski, 2004).

Territories and Landscapes: Place Identity, Quality of Life and Psychological Well-Being in Rural Areas

Various authors in the psychological field deal with the relationship between environment and wellbeing and particularly the impact of the environmental setting on quality of life (Bonnes, Secchiaroli, 1992; Twigger-Ross, Uzzell, 1996) and the importance of living in suitable environments, fitting needs and expectations (Zani, Cicognani, 2004). Geographically speaking, the significance of landscape is evident, as far as personal and territorial identities are concerned (Castiglioni, 2011).

Wellbeing, conflict and teamworking: the social role of the team leader. An overview.

In organizational terms, conflict is not necessarily associated with negative feelings: if well-managed, in fact, it can play an irreplaceable role in people and6 teams development in terms of personal energy, commitment, engagement and creativity. Given this “subjective” nature, the careful setting of an appropriate management style is a central point in ensuring health and wellbeing of the people within the team.

Children and youth leadership for raising awareness, Empowerment, active citizenship, and wellbeing

The purpose of this study is to explore children and youth leadership through the case study of World Vision Albania as an illustration or representative of different generations of nongovernmental organizations in the matter. More specifically, it considers the contribution of creating a space and opportunity to youth leadership development by raising the leadership awareness within youth potential, the meaning and understanding that children/youth have in terms of leadership and how leadership in children/youth connects to empowerment, active citizenship and wellbeing.

Modelling VOC Emissions from Building Materials for Healthy Building Design

The profound qualitative changes of indoor air and the progressive increase in the absolute number of pollutants, combined with the scientific awareness of the health impacts deriving from spending more than 90% of one’s time inside confined spaces, have increased the attention onto the needs of well-being, hygiene, and the health of users. This scientific attention has produced studies and analyses useful for evidence-based insights into building performance.

BIM for Healthy Buildings. An Integrated Approach of Architectural Design based on IAQ Prediction

The relationship between users and the built environment represents a fundamental aspect of health. The factors that define the properties linked to health and well-being are increasingly becoming part of building design. In these terms, building information modelling (BIM) and BIM-based performance simulation take on a priority role. Among the key features for the design of Healthy Buildings, indoor air quality (IAQ) plays a central role. There are numerous indoor pollutants with significant health effects; volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are to be mentioned among these.

RESPIRA (pRogetto di citizEn Science Per il quartIeRe di sAn lorenzo) Respira è un progetto di Citizen Science finanziato dal Municipio II e sviluppato dall’Università Sapienza – DICEA con la finalità di rilevare, attraverso un network di sensori fi

RESPIRA (pRogetto di citizEn Science Per il quartIeRe di sAn lorenzo), un progetto di Citizen Science finanziato dal Municipio II e sviluppato dall’Università Sapienza – DICEA con la finalità di rilevare, attraverso un network di sensori fissi, la qualità dell’aria, individuare isole di calore, monitorare l’inquinamento acustico, verificando le relative correlazioni con le caratteristiche fisiche dell’ambiente urbano nell’area test di San Lorenzo, per poi promuovere azioni correttive o compensative.

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