prosthetic rehabilitation

Gingival hyperplasia around dental implants in jaws reconstructed with free vascularized flaps: a case report series

Free vascularized flaps are the gold standard for reconstruction of the facial skeleton after surgical ablation of pathologies or when important atrophy of the jaws exists. A frequent problem seen during prosthetic rehabilitation after reconstruction with free vascularized flaps is the onset of hyperplastic granulomatous reactive tissue around the prosthetic abutment of the implant. The features of this phenomenon seem to be directly related to the characteristics of the periimplant tissue and of the manufacturing materials of the prosthesis and abutments.

Use of porous implants for the prosthetic rehabilitation of fibula free flap reconstructed patients

Vascularized free flaps represent today the gold standard in Maxillo-Facial reconstructive treatment of the upper and lower compromised maxillas.The aim of this study is to perform the advantages and disadvantages of the vascularized fibula free flap and the available rehabilitation options with porous implants.In this study the authors analyzed 45 patients with 211 inserted implants treated and reconstructed with vascularized fibula flaps.

Head and neck osteosarcoma—the ongoing challenge about reconstruction and dental rehabilitation

Head and Neck osteosarcoma is an uncommon disease. Hitherto, the treatment is surgical resection and survival is influenced by the presence of free margins. However, the dimension of the resection may represent a hurdle for an adequate Quality of Life (QOL). Maxillofacial district is a narrow space where the function, esthetics and patient’s relational skills fit together like the gears of a clock.

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