trigeminal neuralgia

Real-world effectiveness and tolerability of carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine in 354 patients with trigeminal neuralgia

Background: It is widely agreed that carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine are highly effective in
the long-term treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. However, the tolerability of these drugs across
the different aetiologies of trigeminal neuralgia is still undetermined.
Methods: In this retrospective, real-world study, we assessed the effectiveness and tolerability of
carbamazepine and oxcarbazepine in a large cohort of patients with classical (254 patients),
secondary (60 patients) and idiopathic (40 patients) trigeminal neuralgia. We analysed data using

Clinical insights on Tolosa Hunt syndrome: a multidisciplinary approach on neurological-related symptomatology in maxillofacial region

Tolosa–Hunt syndrome (THS) related neurological
symptoms are described in literature as “unilateral”,
“recurrent”, “episodic”, “intense”, “severe”, “lancinating” or
“stabbing” pain on the upper face and forehead and may be
misdiagnosed due to the similarity of few symptoms and a
significant number of common characteristics between both
The aim of this brief report is to indicate some important
clinical insights related to Tolosa Hunt syndrome, and to

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