computer aided implantology

Navigated Antral Bone Expansion (NABE): a prospective study on 35 patients with 4 months of follow-up post implant loading

The insertion of dental implants in the atrophic posterior maxilla can be a challenge. One option is to modify the residual native bone in preparation for proper, prosthetically-driven implant placement. The procedure presented in this study is called Navigated Antral Bone Expansion (N.A.B.E). This procedure employs the use of a navigation system to plan and guide the initial pilot drilling, bone expansion, final site preparation, and implant insertion.

Accuracy evaluation of 14 maxillary full arch implant treatments performed with Da Vinci bridge: a case series

The use of pterygoid implants can be an attractive alternative to sinus bone grafting in the treatment of posterior atrophic maxilla. This technique has not been widely used because of the difficulty of the surgical access, the presence of vital structures, and the prosthetic challenges. The use of dynamic computer aided implantology (DCAI) allows the clinician to utilize navigation dental implant surgery, which allows the surgeon to follow the osteotomy site and implant positioning in real time.

Accuracy of dynamic navigation system workflow for implant supported full arch prosthesis: a case series

A minimally invasive implant treatment approach for future full arch implant prosthetic rehabilitations of trophic jaws represents a challenge. An optimal implant planning is strongly related with an accurate merge of the prosthetic information and the radiographic data. To comply with that, most computer aided implantology (CAI) systems require additional steps, as radiographic stents or fiducial markers to overlap digital jaw scans to cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) data. Using dynamic CAI, residual teeth (up to three) make it possible for the merge to avoid new radiographic scans.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma