sustainable architecture

CERTIFICAZIONE DELL'EDIFICIO AGE-FRIENDLY - CAP 4 (all'interno del volume "Certificazione di edifici age friendly. Ambiente costruito a misura di anziano")

Le metropoli odierne devono affrontare due fenomeni inevitabili: l'invecchiamento e la crescente urbanizzazione della popolazione. Se da un lato l'aumento della longevità rappresenta una conquista del mondo moderno, dall'altro tale tendenza richiede necessariamente un'adeguata capacità di rinnovamento interdisciplinare che coinvolga quindi non soltanto le politiche sanitarie e socio-assistenziali, ma anche e soprattutto quelle edilizie ed urbane, attraverso un'attenta azione pianificatoria in grado di trasformare spazi in luoghi accessibili ed inclusivi.

Review and Mapping of Parameters for the Early Stage Design of Adaptive Building Technologies through Life Cycle Assessment Tools

Adaptive Building Technologies have opened up a growing field of architectural research
aimed at improving the overall building performance, ensuring comfort while reducing operational
energy consumption. Focusing on flexibility over short timeframes, these new technologies are
however rarely designed within the broader frame of sustainability over their entire lifecycle. How
sustainable these zero energy technologies really are is yet to be established. The purpose of the

COVID-19 and living space challenge. Well-being and public health recommendations for a healthy, safe, and sustainable housing

Background and aim of the work: The ongoing pandemic of COVID-19 is a strong reminder that the lockdown period has changed the way that people and communities live, work, and interact, and it’s necessary to make resilient the built environment, both outdoor and mainly the indoor spaces: housing, workplaces, public buildings, and entertainment facilities. How can we re-design the concept of Well-being and Public Health in relation to the living places of the future?

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma