oral biopsy

Histological effects of an innovative 445 Nm Blue Laser during oral soft tissue biopsy.

Continuously evolving laser devices can be used in various fields; they are an alternative to the traditional cold blade surgery to perform biopsies of oral soft tissues. The aspect focused on in this paper is the possibility to use the 445 nm diode laser (Eltech K-Laser srl, Treviso, Italy) in complete safety, by evaluating its thermal effects during microscopy. A histological evaluation of the alteration of the peri-incisional edges on 10 samples was realized. All excisional biopsies were related to clinically unsuspected lesions and performed by the same expert operator.

Ex vivo histological analysis of the thermal effects created by a 445-nm diode laser in oral soft tissue biopsy

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate, ex vivo, the histological effects of 445-nm diode laser (Eltech K-Laser srl, Treviso, Italy), during an oral soft tissue biopsy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty samples from pig cadaver tongues were obtained, through five laser settings, in continuous and pulsed wave (CW and PW). Samples were divided into six groups of five pieces each. A control specimen was taken by a scalpel. All samples were examined with an optical microscope by a blinded pathologist.

Evaluation of wound healing and postoperative pain after oral mucosa laser biopsy with the aid of compound with chlorhexidine and sodium hyaluronate: a randomized double blind clinical trial

The aim of this study is to evaluate secondary intention healing process and postoperative pain of oral soft tissues after laser surgery with the use of a compound containing chlorhexidine and sodium hyaluronate.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma