periodontal inflammation

The association between periodontal disease and serum biomarkers levels in haemodialysis patients: a narrative review

The vast majority of studies has demonstrated that periodontal infection promotes significant systemic inflammatory status. The specific effects of these systemic alterations in response to periodontal inflammation have been comprehensively described and appear to be highly stereotyped, and it is well known the pathophysiological mechanism related to immune functioning linking periodontitis and pathologies such as diabetes or cardiovascular diseases, adverse pregnancy outcomes, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Periodontal microbiological status influences the occurrence of cyclosporine-a and tacrolimus- induced gingival overgrowth

Immune suppressed renal transplant patients are more prone to developing oral tissue alterations due to medications associated with a pleiotropic set of side effects involving the oral cavity. Drug-induced gingival overgrowth (DIGO) is the most commonly encountered side effect resulting from administration of calcineurin inhibitors such as cyclosporine-A (CsA), the standard first-line treatment for graft rejection prevention in transplant patients.

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