Tsallis entropy

Generalized biodiversity assessment by Bayesian nested random effects models with spyke-and-slab priors

We analyze variations in alpha-diversity of benthic macroinvertebrate communities in an Italian lagoon system using Bayesian hierarchical models with nested random effects. Our aim is to understand how spatial scales influence microhabitat definition. Tsallis entropy measures diversity and spike-and-slab regression selects predictors.

Tsallis entropy for cross-shareholding network configurations

In this work, we develop the Tsallis entropy approach for examining the 1
cross-shareholding network of companies traded on the Italian stock market. In such a network, 2
the nodes represent the companies, and the links represent the ownership. Within this context, we 3
introduce the out-degree of the nodes – which represents the diversification – and the in-degree 4
of them – capturing the integration. Diversification and integration allow a clear description 5
of the industrial structure formed by the considered companies. The stochastic dependence of 6

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