Political economy

The Management requirements that inspired the European Investment Bank, 1957-1958

The European Investment Bank is a very particular institution compared with other credit organizations because of the tasks entrusted to it from the very beginning. This work aims to contribute to the knowledge of the origins, the historical and economic perspective of this newly established nominated on several occasions but not fully used.

Migrations. Countries of immigrants, countries of migrants. Canada, Italy

This book presents two special cases related to the phenomenon of migration: Italy and Canada. The phenomenon of migration highlights the contradictions, strengths and weaknesses of the functioning of a country along a variety of its dimensions. The figure of the immigrant (of the "foreigner") calls into question established practices, raises doubt about existing institutions, and challenges public opinion.

Italy-China Trade Relations. A Historical Perspective

This book examines the political connections and trade relations between Italy and China, with particular emphasis on the second half of the 19th century and the period following the Second World War. In recent years, economic relations between the two countries have intensified as a result of increasing exchange and trade agreements, with positive impacts on their political and diplomatic relations.

Trajectories of welfare financialisation in Europe. A comparison between France, Italy and the United Kingdom

L'articolo esamina in prospettiva comparata i processi di finanziarizzazione del welfare in tre paesi europei: Regno Unito, Francia e Italia, tre paesi diversamente soggetti ai vincoli dell'austerity e alle pressioni verso la pluralizzazione delle fonti di finanziamento. Il principale contributo di questo articolo è quello di evidenziare tre diverse traiettorie di mutamento, dipendenti dalle eredità istituzionali del passato e dagli spazi di agency giocati dagli attori pubblici e privati, inclusi gli investitori.

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