urban policy

Can Cities Become “Inclusive Learning Environments”?

This article offers a new perspective regarding new experimental paths of urban innovation addressing urban exclusion issues, designed to overcome traditional planning strategies delivered through public services; focusing on the recent outcomes and future potential of the development with a particular focus on the ability of individuals belonging to a local community to act consciously and directly in relation to the socio-territorial context in which they live.

Attori economici e depoliticizzazione nelle agende urbane: il ruolo delle idee

The setting of urban agendas is analyzed with the aim of interpreting the depoliticization dynamics of issues, actors and actions of urban policies that are caused by economic interests and actors when they use cognitive and normative resources. The main hypothesis is that the initiatives carried out by economic firms and private producers and retailers of knowledge to deal with urban problems have the effect of weakening the political connotation of public actors and actions, if not to replace them.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma