autonomous Driving

A new optimal control of obstacle avoidance for safer autonomous driving

The autonomous vehicle is one of the greatest challenges in modern vehicle design. This paper proposes a new method of control named FLOP, Feedback Local Optimality Principle, recently proposed by the authors. The method, starting from the Pontryagin's theory, introduces a new optimality principle that minimizes a sequence of individual functionals with the chance of a direct feedback control.

A novel approach in Optimal trajectory identification for Autonomous driving in racetrack

The autonomous vehicle is one of the greatest challenges in modern vehicle design. This paper proposes a new technique to define the optimal trajectory in a feedback form for an autonomous car, moving on a track. The algorithm defines the trajectory taking into the account the vehicle dynamic instead of kinematic constraints, leading to a more robust path. The technique is also used to control the vehicle in feedback, providing the optimal maneuvers to track the defined path.

SF-UDA-3D: Source-Free Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for LiDAR-Based 3D Object Detection

3D object detectors based only on LiDAR point clouds hold the state-of-the-art on modern street-view benchmarks. However, LiDAR-based detectors poorly generalize across domains due to domain shift. In the case of LiDAR, in fact, domain shift is not only due to changes in the environment and in the object appearances, as for visual data from RGB cameras, but is also related to the geometry of the point clouds (e.g., point density variations).

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