Water washing

Erosion prediction of gas turbine compressor blades subjected to water washing process

Blade fouling is a very relevant problem in turbomachin-ery applications. It affects both compressors and turbines. In the first case, fouling can be generated by the presence of dust, ashes or brackish air (in offshore applications). In turbines, fouling is mainly generated by residual of combustion process. Blade fouling generally leads to a reduction of the performance due to an increase on profile losses. Here we focus on the foul-ing due to salt deposition on naval/off-shore applications refer-ring to machines that are part of the fleet of gas turbines man-ufacturers.

Comparative life cycle assessment of different gas turbine axial compressor water washing systems

Nowadays the climate change is widely recognized as a global threat by both public opinion and industries. Actions to mitigate its causes are gaining momentum within all industries. In the energy field, there is the necessity to reduce emissions and to improve technologies to preserve the environment. LCA analyses of products are fundamental in this context. In the present work, a life cycle assessment has been carried out to calculate the carbon footprint of different water washing processes, as well as their effectiveness in recovering Gas Turbine efficiency losses.

Water washing of axial flow compressors: Numerical study on the fate of injected droplets

In turbomachinery applications blade fouling represents a main cause of performance degradation. Among the different techniques currently available, online water washing is one of the most effective in removing deposit from the blades. Since this kind of washing is applied when the machine is close to design conditions, injected droplets are strongly accelerated when they reach the rotor blades and the understanding of their interaction with the blades is not straightforward. Moreover, undesirable phenomena like blades erosion or liquid film formation can occur.

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