
Evaluation of shrimp waste valorization combining computer-aided simulation and numerical descriptive inherent safety technique (NuDIST)

Nowadays, inherently safer designs are considered as key priorities to prevent or mitigate serious incidents with devastating consequences. The need for process safety assessment during early design phases has motivated the development of several contributions related to computer-aided assessment methodologies to measure the inherent safety of chemical processes. In this work, the large-scale production of chitosan from shrimp wastes was evaluated from a process safety point of view using the numerical descriptive inherent safety technique (NuDIST).

Economic evaluation and techno-economic sensitivity analysis of a mass integrated shrimp biorefinery in North Colombia

The high freshwater consumption requirements in shrimp biorefinery approaches represents one of the major drawbacks of implementing these technologies within the shrimp processing industry. This also affects the costs associated with the plant operation, and consequently, the overall economic performance of the project. The application of mass integration tools such as water pinch analysis can reduce frewshwater consumption by up to 80%, contributing to shrimp biorefinery sustainability.

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