memory effects

Control of fluctuations of a tethered unmanned-underwater-vehicle

The analysis of oscillating systems controlled by mechatronic devices, relies classically on differential equations, and the problem is frequently attacked in the frequency domain, for linear systems based on more conventional controls, or in the time space-state formulation to include also nonlinearities. In this paper we are faced with a system that exhibits memory effects. These are borne because of the presence of added mass and damping that are due to the rigid body motion coupling with the surrounding water.

Optimal control with memory effects: theory and application to wings

A novel indirect variational optimal control theory is proposed for integral-differential equations of motion. This algorithm is applied to an engineering application: the control of a an underawater autonomous vehicle's 2-Dof lifting surface. The variational approach proposed is an extension of the classical Potryagin optimal control theory which normally refers to differential equations. The control has been extended by developing a novel integral MPC technique. Numerical results show good performace of the optimal control proposed compared with the standard LQR method.

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