Metro C

Institutional fragmentation in megaprojects: lessons from the Metro C project in Rome

A strategic infrastructure project in Rome, Italy, and namely the Metro C line, is presented here for scrutinising how institutional frameworks and governance arrangements shape megaproject implementation. On the one side, we look at legal endowments and institutional reforms related to a still incomplete territorial rescaling; on the other side, at routines and practices among actors in project management.

The management of the soil conditioning process for the excavation of the Rome Metro C line

Tunnel excavations in urban areas are often performed with TBM and Earth Pressure Bal-ance technology which requires the continuous injection of chemicals in the soil condi-tioning process. Several advantages can be achieved by performing laboratory activities prior to starting the excavation in order to predict risks such as clogging in fine grained soils or severe cutter-head wear in coarse soils and to define an optimal range of values for injection parameters.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma