
Driving water cavitation into a hydrogel cavity

We study the dynamics of the dehydration process of a hydrogel with a cavity filled with water. We identify two transient phases: the first one dominated by an inflatable-balloon deformation mode, and the second by a suction effect, determining highly not homogeneous deformation modes of the hydrogel walls. This last phase triggers negative pressures into the cavity up to the typical values of water cavitation. An analysis of the factors allowing cavitation pressure to form inside the cavity is proposed, to allow for precise tuning of the key geometrical and material parameters.

Mechanics of active gel spheres under bulk contraction

In active gels, liquid redistribution, network deformation and material remodeling due to bulk activation, mimicking the presence of molecular motors, are strongly coupled. We present a consistent mathematical model capable to gain a deep understanding of the phenomenon in both steady and transient conditions. With explicit reference to active gel spheres, we evidence the role that not uniform bulk activation may have in generating local stress or strain actuators based on liquid redistribution.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma