Design Education

Experience of Material Tinkering from Waste in the Year 3-Year 5 Primary School Age Range as an Introduction to Design and Sustainability

A possibility increasingly experimented in the field of design to improve end-of-life sustainability is integration of agro-waste into materials. Design can “upcycle” waste, offering perceptive and aesthetical acceptance to objects produced from it. On-field experimentations can foster awareness over the possibility to modify objects lifecycle, avoiding a “use-and-throw” perspective, and exploring the identity of materials in their prospected field of application.

The expansion of the education in design in Italy. A comparison with the European frame

In a framework where Architecture Schools are seeing sharp declines in Italy due to reduced numbers of new enrolments and a general crisis of vocation and opportunities, there is a parallel phenomenon of growth in the number of institutions and training offers in the field of design; the proliferation of design schools is a phenomenon recognizable not only on the Italian landscape, but also in the whole panorama of the new international training “market.” This contribution examines on what foundational theoretical and practical bases the most advanced training models in the field of design

Back to the Human Scale: Some Comments The Physical Model as a Tool for Training Culture of Design, From Object to Space

The presented text is an attempt to rethink the educational path of designers, around the modalities in defining morphological choices of design during a processual development, besides the building activity, “form the material’s transformation to an organization, able to

Economic Form in Teaching Design, between aesthetics, engineering and technologies. Some recent experiences in product design education.

“Ours is an economically oriented age. In earlier times, word-view was more important. Today, nobody can exist without considering economics: we are concerned with economic form. (..) Economic form arises out of function and material.

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